2025 Derby Days Golf Outing

Brothers, Alumni, and Supporters,

The Sigma Chi Fraternity Alpha Gamma Chapter at The Ohio State University is proud to present Derby Days, benefiting the Huntsman Cancer Foundation (HCF). HCF is a 501(c)(3) public charity, and 100% of donations go directly to cancer research. This year, we are setting our sights on a $50,000 fundraising goal, after raising $40,000 in the past two years.

Join us for the 5th Annual Sigma Chi Alumni Golf Outing, where 150+ alumni from across the Midwest will come together to support this incredible cause.

📅 When: April 13, 2025, at 12:30 PM
📍 Where: The Golf Club of Dublin – 5805 Eiterman Rd, Dublin, OH 43016
💰 Cost: $160 alumni/parent, $140 undergrads
📞 Contact: Grant Walter (Derby Days Chairman) at 614-318-9144 (call or text)

🎟️ Register Today! – Click Here to Register
💙 Not Playing? Support the Cause! – Donate Here
🤝 Become a Sponsor & Gain Exposure! – Click Here for Sponsorship

Sponsorship Opportunities

Bronze Sponsor – $500

  • Social media recognition.
  • Deadline: April 1st

Silver Sponsor – $1,000

  • All benefits of Bronze Sponsor.
  • Sponsorship of a golf hole, including tee signage.
  • Recognition in Derby Days emails sent to chapter members, alumni, and participants.
  • Placement of advertisement at Derby Days volleyball/basketball tournament.
  • Deadline: March 24th

Gold Sponsor – $1,500

  • All benefits of Silver Sponsor.
  • Two separate mobile scoring advertisements during Golf Outing.
  • Verbal recognition at all Derby Days events.
  • Option to place an advertisement at all events.
  • Logo advertisement on physical scorecard and cart nametags.
  • Deadline: March 24th

Donation Information

💻 Online Donation:

📩 Check or Cash Donation:

  • Make checks payable to Huntsman Cancer Foundation.
  • Include a note indicating which chapter or individual to credit.
  • Mail to:
    Huntsman Cancer Foundation
    ATTN: Tom Hanratty
    500 Huntsman Way
    Salt Lake City, UT 84108

Contact for Sponsorships

  • Grant Walter – (614-318-9144)
  • Carter Buzzelli – (330-541-1468)
  • Luke Cimpello – (513-250-5188)

Tax Identification Number: 87-0541293
IRS Classification: 501(c)(3) Public Charity
Contributions are deductible as provided by law.

Your support means everything – whether you play, sponsor, or donate, you are making a difference in the fight against cancer. We look forward to seeing you on the course!

In Hoc,

The Alpha Gamma Derby Days Team

Alpha Gamma of Sigma Chi, Inc

2023 Annual Giving Campaign


Alpha Gamma Brothers,

We are writing to you in hopes that you will again support our House Corporation’s 2023 Alumni Giving Campaign. The purpose of this campaign is to grow and sustain the Alpha Gamma Chapter’s membership and longevity by making improvements to our 68-year-old chapter house. By doing so, we will ensure the chapter’s continued success for years to come while also providing active brothers with the best experience possible. 

Click here to go to the donation page

Please scan the QR code to donate online, and make checks payable to

Alpha Gamma of Sigma Chi, Inc.

Please send them to:

Fraternity Managers Association

1812 N. High St. Columbus, OH 43201

Attn: Sigma Chi Annual Giving

****Contributions to the House Corporation are not tax deductible.

Click here to go to the donation page

3rd floor Social Room renovation project 2022.

2023 Derby Days

Who: Brothers of Alpha Gamma

What: 2nd annual Alumni Golf Outing

When: April 16, 2023, at Noon

Where: The Golf Club of Dublin: 5805 Eiterman Rd, Dublin, OH 43016

Cost: $120 (includes lunch)

Contact: Derby Days Chairman James Peel at 216-630-9194 call or txt

On April 16th (lunch begins at noon). The cost to play is $120 including lunch, a full round of golf, and over $1,000 in prizes. Last year the chapter raised over $27k during Derby Days for the Huntsman Cancer Foundation and this year’s goal is $100k. Please contact Derby Days Chairman James Peel at 216-630-9194 via phone call or text to reserve your spot and help this worthy cause!

Click here to donate


Please read the whole story for all the details!!!! Click here to print the original letter with IRS tax ID info

Hello Central Ohio Sigma Chi Alumni,

Another year passes, and the environment of the world is ever-changing, but one thing
that will remain constant is Sigma Chi Derby Days in April. As most of you know, Derby Days
is a week-long philanthropy week in which Sigma Chi chapters across the country participate to
benefit the Huntsman Cancer Foundation (HCF). HCF is a non-profit organization that supports
the research of Cancer variations at the Huntsman Cancer Institute in Salt Lake City, Utah. 100%
of the donations made to HCF go directly to cancer research, and the Huntsman Cancer Institute
works hand in hand with other major cancer research institutions across the World, including the
Wexner Medical Center in Columbus. In 2015, the Sigma Chi International Fraternity pledged to
donate $11 Million to HCF, and in 2019 we pledged an additional $20 million extending that
number to $31 million, making it the largest philanthropic commitment ever by a fraternity

Last year, with the help of generous Alumni, local business owners, our Greek
community, and campus peers, we raised over $27,000. This year the Alpha Gamma Chapter has
decided to set a new standard for our donation goal and has set that goal at $100,000. Along with
that new standard, we have decided on new events for Derby Days this year, including a 2023
Alumni Golf Outing at The Golf Club of Dublin on April 16th.
We are hoping for at least 80
alumni to join us. The outing will cost $120 to play in. The outing will include a banquet before
golf including lunch, a full round of golf, and over $1,000 in prizes. Feel free to contact Derby
Days Chairman James Peel (216-630-9194) to reserve your spot. In addition to alumni support
we are also searching for business support. If anyone has connections to any business interested
in sponsoring Derby Days week and has the option to advertise at our events, please contact
Derby Days Chairman Alex Waldron (440-915-1053).

To raise more awareness and create momentum for our donation campaign, we are opening the donation portal now before Derby Days begin. Keeping in mind that all donations are tax-deductible, we encourage you to donate. Attached below is more information about how to donate to the Huntsman Cancer Institute for the Alpha Gamma chapter. This year, we aim to be in the upper echelon of chapters donating to the Huntsman Cancer Foundation while being able to reconnect with alumni over a week of fun events. Together, brothers, we can be the generation to end cancer.

In Hoc,

The 2023 Derby Day Chairmen of The Alpha Gamma Chapter

Alpha Gamma of Sigma Chi, Inc

2021 Annual Giving Campaign


Alpha Gamma Brothers,

We are writing to you in hopes you will again support our House Corporation’s 2021 Alumni Giving Campaign. The purpose of this campaign is to grow and sustain the Alpha Gamma Chapter’s membership and longevity by making improvements to our chapter house. By doing so, we will ensure the chapter’s continued success for years to come while also providing active brothers with the best experience possible.

Click here to go to the donation page

Please scan the QR code to donate online, make checks payable to

Alpha Gamma of Sigma Chi, Inc.

Please send them to:

Fraternity Managers Association

1812 N. High St. Columbus, OH 43201

Attn: Sigma Chi Annual Giving

Click here to go to the donation page

Spring 2021 – Derby Days

Dear Brothers:
We need your help in meeting our goal of $10,000 in donations to the Huntsman Cancer clinic in the name of Alpha Gamma/Derby Days 2021.
The Alpha Gamma Chapter of Sigma Chi at The Ohio State University continues to find ways to give back to the community especially during these difficult times. One way is by hosting our annual Sigma Chi Derby Days weeklong event with all the proceeds going towards the Huntsman Cancer Institute’s mission is to understand cancer from its beginnings, to use that knowledge in the creation and improvement of cancer treatments, to relieve the suffering of cancer patients, and to provide education about cancer risk, prevention, and care.

The last year has been challenging as we have adapted to an ever-changing culture of social distancing and virtual events. Despite these circumstances, Sigma Chi nationally remained united in our mission to become the generation to end cancer and fundraised over $1 million for cancer research at Huntsman Cancer Institute!!
The Alpha Gamma Chapter of Sigma Chi needs your help to continue the support of The Huntsman Cancer Institute. Since you are a highly regarded Alumni Brother, we are writing to ask for a donation to help reach our goal as well as help someone in need. The link below takes you directly to The Ohio State University donation page where each dollar donated goes directly to cancer-fighting research and allows Alpha Gamma to get credit

We hope you remember, Derby Days is an annual event that embodies what it truly means to be a Sigma Chi. We’ve asked every sorority to participate and help reach our goal through a series of fun events. Derby Days 2021 is the week of April 4th-April 10th and our events are listed below. Due to Covid-19, these events may look different, but our goal is to continue to bring The Ohio State community together.Brothers, please consider donating. We thank you for your time and consideration!
In Hoc-
Craig Kunkel

2021 Derby Days Chairman

Sigma Chi Fraternity-

Alpha Gamma Chapter

(724) 504-9931


Huntsman Cancer Institute
Jon M. Huntsman (Penn 1959) is the Sigma Chi brother who invested $300 million to establish the Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) in 1995.
Please click on the video below to watch a short video about Huntsmans Cancer Institue and Sigma Chi.

Annual Giving and Peterson Award!

Alpha Gamma of Sigma Chi, Inc.

2016 Alumni Giving Campaign

Go here to donate by credit card:  http://www.fmaosu.com/shop/annual-giving-campaign/

Hello Alpha Gamma Brothers,
We are writing to you in hopes you will again support our House Corporation’s 2016 Alumni Giving Campaign.  As before, the purpose of this campaign is to grow and sustain Alpha Gamma Chapter’s membership and longevity by providing the Chapter with a better physical chapter house.


Your 2015 alumni contributions totaling $12,689 were wisely used to install new bunk beds in all of the rooms throughout the chapter facility.


Here are few other positive facts:


For the first time in 29 years, Sigma Chi Headquarters bestowed its highest honor on the active chapter, the Peterson Significant Chapter Award.  Named for 38th Grand Consul J. Dwight Peterson, INDIANA 1919, the award recognizes excellent, but not impossible performance by chapters in all major areas of operation and programming. For many years, the Peterson plaque has been a symbol of dedication, idealism and achievement.


There are currently 110 Active Brothers in the Chapter.

We are the only OSU fraternity to operate continuously for 134 years!

Our House Corporation presently has zero 3rd party debt (we continue to utilize our own Endowment Fund and have successfully borrowed from ourselves and paid ourselves back with interest on three different capital projects over the recent years).

Derby Days raised $36,000 of which $20,000 was donated to the Huntsman Cancer Institute.  The remaining $16,000 was to the Recruitment Chairman’s cousin battling cancer.

Finally the University awarded the active chapter with the Community Service Award for All of Greek Life.


actives-2 derby-days-2016


*Derby Days                                                                          *Actives at the New Ohio Union



Each of your contributions has really helped House Corp. make these positive steps forward.  Thank you.



Our alumni support goal for 2016 is $20,000.  The brothers who generously gave last year are listed below.  Thank you very much for your loyal support of Alpha Gamma, and the many kind notes.


In Hoc,


Matt Berry ‘93                                          Dirk Greene ‘93                                      Alan Zink ‘60

House Manager ’92                              President, House Corp.                         Treasurer, House Corp


Please make checks payable to: Alpha Gamma of Sigma Chi, Inc.; and send to: Matt Berry at 3901 Tarrington Lane, Columbus, Ohio 43220.  Contributions to the House Corporation are not a tax deductible.


The following are those brothers who donated in 2015.  Again, we are sincerely appreciative to all the donors.



2015 Annual Giving Campaign

Click the button above to make your gift today.

Link to www.osusig.com to stay in touch with us

 Alpha Gamma of Sigma Chi, Inc. ~  2015 Annual Giving Campaign

      EX badge small 2

Dear Brother,

We are writing to you in hopes you will again support our House Corporation’s 2015 Alumni Giving Campaign. As before, the purpose of this campaign is to grow and sustain Alpha Gamma Chapter’s membership and longevity by providing the Chapter with a better physical chapter house. 

The chapter house at 260 East 15th is now 60 years old! Your 2014 alumni contributions totaling $16,400 were wisely used to help with the $122,000 total kitchen remodel just completed this month. This kitchen renovation will enhance the entire Alpha Gamma experience and is certain to help with recruitment. 
Here are few other positive facts:
 • 113 Active Brothers in the Chapter, and the only OSU fraternity to operate continuously for 133 years! 
•Our House Corporation presently has zero 3rd party debt (we don’t owe Sigma Chi or any bank). 
• The 2012 loan from Alpha Gamma’s own Endowment Fund will be fully repaid in one more year (we borrowed $100,000 from ourselves for plumbing/restroom overhaul in 2012). 
• In the past 20 years, the House Corp. has spent over $975,000 on house improvements, with over $850,000 of it coming from House Corp. operating funds, and nearly $125,000 from our alumni!! 

Each of your contributions has really helped House Corp. make these positive steps forward. Thank you. 

One more important item: The Chapter and the House Corp. will be hosting an Open House for this year’s Homecoming, at the Chapter House, starting @ 6:00PM on Friday, October 9th. Plan to join in, see what your dollars have done, and reminisce with actives, brothers, spouses/significant others.
Renovated Kitchen

View of commercial quality kitchen looking North & West











View looking North & East



In Hoc,

Matt Berry ‘93            Dirk Greene ‘93        Alan Zink ‘60

House Manager ’92   President, House Corp.   Treasurer, House Corp


Please make checks payable to: Alpha Gamma of Sigma Chi, Inc.; and send to: Matt Berry at 3901 Tarrington Lane, Columbus, Ohio 43220.  Contributions to the House Corporation are not a tax deductible.


The following are those brothers you donated in 2014.  Again, we are sincerely appreciative to all the donors.

2014 Donors 2014 Donors

Click the button above to make your gift today.

Link to www.osusig.com to stay in touch with us

2014 Annual Giving Campaign







I’m writing you in hopes you will again support House Corporation’s 2014 Annual Giving campaign. As with previous years’ efforts, the purpose of this campaign is to grow and sustain Alpha Gamma’s membership through a better physical house. Last year’s funds were wisely used to:

• Repaint every room, including closets and common areas.
• In addition, we replaced the freezer and the ice maker.
• Finally, we refurbished the sand volleyball court (the only court in the OSU Greek System).

Your donations absolutely help keep the Alpha Gamma looking sharp and competitive!

To date, the active chapter is made up of:

• 104 active brothers with 40 brothers living in the house; and
• We recently pinned 12 pledges for this Fall Semester.

In addition, Alpha Gamma was named “Most Improved Chapter” at the Spring Greek Banquet and it led all Greek organizations last year in philanthropy raising $15,000.

AG Pledge Class
*Photo of Alpha Gamma’s 2013 Most Recent Actives.

Our goal for 2014 is $15,000. The brothers who generously gave last year are listed below. Thank you for your support and the many kind notes.

In Hoc,



Matt Berry ‘93
House Manager ‘92

Please send your check to me, Matt Berry at 3901 Tarrington Lane, Columbus, Ohio 43220. Contributions are not tax deductible. Please make checks payable to Alpha Gamma of Sigma Chi, Inc.




*A special thanks to Jim Otis and all who donated at the formal event presenting Jim Otis with his Significant Sigma Chi Award earlier this year.

2013 Contributors
David Alexander Donald Gustafson Jim Otis
Jeff Appel P.J. Hamm William Parker
W.A. Argo Charles Hanus James Peppe
Bill Argo Dave Hartsock Dave Raney
David Banker Thomas Hawk Bryan Rice
Richard Bard Charles Heid David Riehl
Philip Barrett Roger Higley Bob Ryan
John Baumer J.M. Howe Glen Sebald
Matt Berry Reg Jackson Richard Seiter
Michael Biesecker James Jeffery John Shepherd
Paul Bowles Donald Kemper Dennis Simon
Frederick Bright Alan Kiefer Paul Slade
W.R. Broadwell Tom Lakin John Stephan
Stephen Buchholz William Lapple J.E. Stevenson
Greg Callaghan John Latham Jesse Stewart
Kenneth Chinchar James Laughlin John Strasser
Richard Cottingham David Laymon David Swartz
Richard Dormire Robert Leftwich Larry Thomas
Antonio Dupont James Ludwig Ronald Trowbridge
Edward Farber Jeff Madison Richard Van Voorhis
Christopher Fassnacht Jack Mahaffey Louis Vitucci
Harry Finlaw Jim Manning T.A. Ward
Nate Fisher Dan March T.A. Ward II
John Floyd James McGeorge Bob Ward
Earl Frederick Robert McWilliams Mike Wenger
Greg Gibbons Johnston Means Kevin White
Jim Gluek Brandon Merrill Donald Wiley
Thomas Gordon Jim Meyer Roger Wilson
Greg Grabovac Wallace Neidenthal Ronald Wolf
William Graham Randy Neidenthal Eugene Yates
Travis Greene Gary Neidenthal Stephen Zeller
Dirk Greene Neidenthal Trust Alan Zink
Donald Griffith Jon Neuman
Malcom Gudis T.J. Ocasek

Chapter Eternal Bill Wentz

William A. Wentz

1938 – 2014 | Obituary Condolences

William A. Wentz Obituary
Wentz William A. Wentz, of Worthington, born March 5, 1938 passed away on April 4, 2014. Survived by wife, Cynthia; daughter, Amy; son, Brad (Lynn) ; grandchildren, Skyler and Gannon; brother, Tom (Nancy); sister-in-law, Camilla (Jay) Knight; nieces and nephews, Pam, Kara, Bill, and Scott. Preceded in death by parents Burke and Magdalene, and son William Burke. Bill was a graduate of Canton Lehman HS earning 10 varsity letters in baseball, football, track and basketball. He was inducted into Stark County football and baseball Hall of Fame. Bill graduated from The Ohio State University with a BIE and an MBA. He earned varsity letters in baseball and football, participated on two national championship teams and was an Academic All American. As a student, he was inducted into four academic/ leadership organizations: Romophos, Bucket & Dipper, Sphinx, Texnikoi and was VP of four organizations: Student Government, Sigma Chi, Ohio Staters & American Institute of Industrial Engineers. He was named an outstanding fraternity man and an outstanding senior. Bill continued his association with OSU as President of Varsity O, Director for Alumni Association, member of Advisory Council, Football Committeeman, Presidents Club, guest lecturer, Co-founder and President of the Baseball Diamond Club. His career included Solid State Controls, Systems Research Labs and President of two HVAC companies: Columbus /Worthington Air which he sold in 1999 and Buckeye Heating & Cooling now owned and operated by his children. Bill was active in the community on many levels. As president of Worthington Cardinal Boosters, he coached little league teams in baseball, football and basketball; then as head coach for the freshman football team he became the first non certified teacher in the state of Ohio to coach at the high school level. He taught Project Business at the middle school through Junior Achievement, and then business entrepreneurship at the high school which led to the Ohio Teacher/Entrepreneur Award from the Kellogg Foundation. He mentored small business owners through the Ohio Foundation for Entrepreneurial Education. He was President of the Band Boosters, Chairman of Community Recreation & Sports, Advisor to Parks and Recreation, Trustee for the Kidney Foundation, Director for The Better Business Bureau, Junior Achievement, and National Football Foundation. Honored as Jaycee Citizen of the Year, Rotarian of the Year, and a Paul Harris Fellow, Ohio Business Person of the Year, Leadership for a Lifetime recipient, Childhood League Man of the Year, ACCA Hall of Honor. President of Symposiarchs, VP Wedgewood County Club, foster parent, member of Worthington United Methodist Church and charter member of The Favored Union. Bill will be remembered for being very present and attentive to his family and friends. Family will receive friends from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. on Thursday, April 10, 2014 at SCHOEDINGER WORTHINGTON CHAPEL, 6699 N High St., 43085. Funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. on Friday, April 11, 2014 at Worthington United Methodist Church, 600 High St., 43085. Rev. Cyndy Garn, officiating. Memorials gratefully accepted by the Madden Parkinson’s Center, c/o The Ohio State University Dept. of Neurology Fund #303560, 395 W. 12th Ave., Room 740, Columbus, OH 43210. Please visit www.schoedinger.com to share a special memory and condolences.

Published in The Columbus Dispatch on Apr. 6, 2014

– See more at: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/thisweeknews/obituary.aspx?n=william-a-wentz&pid=170508551&fhid=8709#sthash.TuKZ6Yrc.dpuf