Alpha Gamma of Sigma Chi
2011 Annual Giving Campaign
I’m reaching out to you in hopes you will again support House Corporation’s 2011 Annual Giving campaign. As with last year’s effort, the purpose of this campaign is to grow and sustain Alpha Gamma’s membership through a better physical house.
The belief is that a better house and a better living experience will be much more appealing to active and potential brothers and consequently:
• Membership will grow;
• Membership will be more easily sustained; and
• It will allow House Corporation to drive higher rents.
Other chapters, namely the Betas, raise $30,000 per year every year.
The goal for ’11 is to raise $12,000. If 120 brothers donate $100 per year, we’ll be able to reach our goal. In ’09, we raised $7,395 and in 2010 we raised $7,938. Last year’s contributions were used to:
• Restore and duplicate original Caniff artwork. The originals are now on loan and being displayed at the new Union.
• Replace several areas of flooring throughout the house.
• Resurface important kitchen walls.
Bottom line is those generous dollars bettered the house and made it more competitive.
The list of brothers who generously gave are listed below. Thank you for your support and the many kind notes and memories many brothers, wives and widows shared with me. Gene Yates, Alpha Gamma 1944, sent an original Milton Caniff to the house he said he found at the house when he was moving out. It was in great condition and was added to the house’s collection. Madelon Wright generously donated and wrote me a note about her husband, Jack Wright, Alpha Gamma 1940. In her note, she wrote, “In loving memory of my husband Jack Wright 1918 to 2002. A life loyal Sig and Alpha Gamma Consul in 1939-1940. May you all be loyal gentlemen with integrity as he was.” Thank you Gene and Madelon and thank you again to everyone below.
Again, please consider giving to this effort now and into the future. Alpha Gamma has a rich history that we’ve all benefited from in many ways.
Please make checks payable to Alpha Gamma of Sigma Chi, Inc.
Please send your check to me,
Matt Berry
3901 Tarrington Lane
Columbus, Ohio 43220
Contributions are not tax deductible.
In Hoc Signo Vinces,
Matt Berry ‘93
House Manager ‘92
Thanks to the 2010 contributors!

Make your gift online here:
Insert code from PNC HERE.
Return Refund Policy: in the event of an error in your order, we will process your return or refund within 10 business days.