Call for ACTION: We need your help!!

Gentlemen, We are writing to you to encourage each and every one of you to write a $100 check to Alpha Gamma of Sigma Chi, Inc. If you don’t have the $$, maybe you have time? We also need Brothers to step up and join House Corporation. The same 8-10 guys cannot continue to carry the load.

We could go into details about the how the House Corporation will be in the red by the end of the year but the simple answer is that we have never been very good at asking our alumni to get in the habit of contributing toward an annual fund every year. We know we had a fire drill fundraiser back in 2004 to save the Chapter House. This fundraiser is to help House Corporation fulfill its mission by maintaining the house in a condition suitable to perpetuate the institution we know as Sigma Chi. We know times are tight, but let’s face it we all have fond memories of our college days with most of them being centered around Sigma Chi. If you get this email, then you know we have made many improvements over the past few years to our 50+ year old fortress. We need your continued support.

Payable to: Alpha Gamma of Sigma Chi, Inc

Please send your donation to:
Peter Asmar, Treasur
42 Ridgecrest Drive
Chagrin Falls, OH 44022

If you would rather donate via, you can use Nate’s Paypal account, just send your payment to ” “

Thanks go out to the following Brothers that have already committed to supporting our cause:

David Zadnik, Eric Black, Matt Berry, Bob Ward (my uncle), Marty McCarthy, Greg Callaghan, Dave Pflaumer, Jim Manning, Mark Evans, David Mehaffie, Andy Harper, Don Simon, Bill Neutzling, John Baumer, Rayburn, Mark Engert, Bertha and TA Ward II, Mike Ward.

Ritual and Recruitment **READ THIS***


This is a required great read and please take the 5 mins to read it.

Sigma Chi-Ritual and Recruitment – Back to the Basics. Identifying the problems facing the Greek system and Sigma Chi today. Why do we have a Ritual, and do Brothers really understand why the Ritual is so important to us? Recruitment: The quality of our members and our organization feed upon and perpetuate one another. What is our obligation to Sigma Chi and the Ritual?

Please pass it along.


Nate Fisher

Delta Kappa Sigs- Call to Action!!

This is a great video about the recolonizing efforts of the Delta Kappa Chapter at Bowling Green. They hosted a reunion on 9/26/09, over 200 brothers attended and $300,000 was raised, and 45 alumni brothers committed their time and efforts to directly help recolonize the chapter. Thanks go out to Brother Greg Eyerly for his leadership efforts. AMAZING what a committed alumni group can achieve!

2009 Spring Game Alumni Brunch 4/25 10 am

When: April 25, 2009 @ 10:00-Noon

What: Brunch, followed by the Spring Football Game. This event is open to all alumni and is a family friendly event. It was a huge success last year!! Mark your calenders. This event is FREE!!

The Spring game at 1:30 pm will follow the 11:00am. OSU vs. ND Lacrosse game. Tickets are $5 each and can be purchased at Central Ohio McDonald’s locations.

RSVP by replying to this email, emailing me at or by phone at 614-657-7998.

2008 Brunch Pictures

Gordon Gee dedicates Tim Michael Study Room

On February 2, 2009 Gordon Gee dedicated the Tim Michael Study Room at the chapter house. It was a great event and we are all very thankful to both Gordon Gee for taking the time to recognize Brother Michael for his gracious donation. We would also like to recognize Brothers James Howe and James Smiley for their daily dedicated effort to make this major renovation a reality.

Below is a quick little video I put together of the event.

If you would like to see all the pictures from the event, please visit the OSU Sig Gallery at

Chapter Update from Ryan Lovell OSU Senior Cordinator

This was taken from the a message from OSU on the current status of the Alpha Gamma Chapter, this was sent to Alan Zink

Thanks for the voicemail and phone call.

I would be happy to put a few quotes in about your chapter.

The chapter currently has 56 members, though this does not include any new
members they have for this winter. I am still awaiting new member cards
from most organizations. I would anticipate the chapter to take at least
10-15 men, as they have done well with recruitment for the past several
years. In Fall 2008, the chapter had a quarterly GPA of 2.78, The chapter maintains a cumulative GPA of 3.02 which ranks above the All-men’s Cumulative GPA on campus (2.97).

The chapter consistently meets the expectations of my office as it relates
to programming, social event management, and attendance at events. Chris
Pletcher, the past chapter president, was one of our seven student
facilitators for our Chapter President’s Leadership Initiative, the retreat
we do for all new chapter presidents. The facilitator selection process is
very competitive.

If you have specific points you want me to comment on, let me know. Again,
sorry for my delay Alan.


Ryan W. Lovell
Senior Coordinator Ohio Union
Interim Director of the Parent Association
The Ohio State University

Mark Dornfeld -Chili Contest 1/17/09


It is that time of year again, I will be entering in the AD Farrows Harley Davidson Chili Contest this Saturday 1/17/09. AD Farrows is on West Broad Street about 1 mile from downtown before Mt. Carmel west hospital. This is the first of 3 contests that they hold with January being Chili, Feb. is soup and March is Stew. I have placed in the last 6 contests and have won the last 5 in a row. This year they will have a panel which will pick the top five ( an obvious effort to thwart my winning ways) but they will still have a fan and dealer favorite. I hope to win all three categories. The event is from 12-2 and it is free but they do take donations and any money raised goes to Children’s hospital. I look forward to seeing many of you there.

