Chapter Eternal- Theodore Lewis Lenker

Theodore Lewis Lenker


LENKER Theodore “Ted” Lewis Lenker, 86, of Dublin, Ohio passed away peacefully at home surrounded by his family on December 22, 2012. He was born to the late William David and Flora (Shields) Lenker on May 4, 1926 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The youngest of eight children, Ted grew up working at the family dairy, Lenkerbrook Farms, in Harrisburg until he graduated from Hershey High School in 1943. At 17, he enlisted in the US Navy and served in the Pacific Theater on the USS Bancroft through the end of WWII. After leaving the service, he completed his degree at Gettysburg College where he won many wrestling championships, including the Middle Atlantics in 1947. In 1953 he began his career with ESSO (now ExxonMobil). In 1963, he joined the parent company in New York City and in 1966 was transferred with his family to London, England. In 1970 he returned to the States and settled in Columbus as Exxon’s District Manager for Ohio. In 1974, his career path changed when Jack Nicklaus hired him to be part of the development team for Muirfield Village in Dublin. He later founded the Muirfield Village Company and was its President and CEO until he retired in 2006. For 32 years, Ted developed, promoted, and sold Muirfield Village. Ted is preceded in death by his son Theodore L. Lenker Jr., and siblings John L. Lenker, Eleanor (Lenker) Cook, William D. Lenker, Ruth (Lenker) Hummer, David F. Lenker, and Jesse S. Lenker. Surviving are his wife of 59 years, Mildred (Wagner) Lenker; and son, Stephen C. Lenker and his wife Kelli; and six grandchildren, Amanda of Santa Monica, California, David, Craigen, Stephen II, Briton, and Kelle, all of Dublin, Ohio. Also surviving are his sister, Emily (Lenker) Long of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; sisters in-law, Nancy Lenker and Rachael Lenker and countless nieces and nephews. Ted was a member of Upper Arlington Lutheran Church, Muirfield Village Golf Club, the Athletic Club of Columbus, Sigma Chi Fraternity, and the Sons of the American Revolution. He was a past Trustee of The Country Club at Muirfield Village and past President and Trustee of the Muirfield Association, Inc. A memorial service will be held at 3 p.m. on January 3, 2012 at Upper Arlington Lutheran Church, 2300 Lytham Rd., Columbus, 43220. Guests will be greeted by the family in Fellowship Hall after the service. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made in memory of Ted Lenker: Lutheran Social Services Food Pantry, 1460 S. Champion Ave., Columbus, Ohio, 43206 Attn. David Drumn. A private burial will be held in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Arrangements are being made by the O.R. Woodyard Co. Northwest Chapel, Columbus, Ohio.
.Published in The Columbus Dispatch on December 30, 2012

State Day on February 16, 2012 at Caniff Room at Union 9 am – 6 pm

Dear Sigma Chi Alums,
Over the past year, it has become evident that the engagement and involvement of alums has never been more critical. When we became members of the Fraternity we took on an obligation that was of lifelong duration. The participation as members of advisory boards, house corporations or alumni chapters is an opportunity to develop the leaders of the future. There is an urgent need throughout the Fraternity and especially here in Ohio for alums to provide guidance and develop the leadership skills of our undergraduate brothers.

The actions of brothers at several universities, has lead to serious disciplinary actions including revocation of charters. These situations could have been prevented if there had been effective and engaged leadership and monitoring of the activities and operations of these chapters. There is solid evidence which supports the success of chapters with active alumni advisory boards, house corporations and alumni chapter interactions with the local chapters.

Sigma Chi is not only a lifelong opportunity but a commitment to the betterment of the chapters and the General Fraternity by practicing the values and living the ritual.

During State Day on February 16, 2012, there will be a breakout session, especially for alums sharing information for alumni chapters, house corporations and advisory boards. The focus is to share information to increase involvement through new opportunities from the Fraternity including BLTW, HCOTS, Journey, Choices, and Mission 365.

As an officer of an alumni group, I invite you to extend this invitation to your members to extend the opportunity to meet with alums from around the state to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood with our undergraduate brothers.

State Day will be held at Ohio State on Saturday, February 16, 2012 from 9:00 – 6:00 in the Caniff Room of the Ohio Union. We hope you can join and bring a team.

Rich Hronek, Grand Trustee

2012 Annual Giving Campaign

Click here to donate via credit card –


I’m writing you in hopes you will again support House Corporation’s 2012 Annual Giving campaign. As with previous years’ efforts, the purpose of this campaign is to grow and sustain Alpha Gamma’s membership through a better physical house.

The belief is that a better house and a better living experience will be much more appealing to active and potential brothers and consequently:

• Membership will grow;
• Membership will be more easily sustained; and
• It will allow House Corporation to drive higher rents.

House Corp firmly believes this strategy is working and we’re happy to report the house is thriving:

• There are currently 114 active brothers;
• 41 brothers are living in house; and
• The active chapter initiated 42 young men last year!

The fundraising goal for ’11 was to raise $12,000 and we got very close with a total of $11,221. My hope is we can raise 13,000 for 2012. The $11,221 raised last year was used in the overall $150,000 renovation that was just completed and included some of the following improvements:
• All original cast iron plumbing was removed from interior of house.
• All bathrooms were taken to the studs and walls replaced/rebuilt due to years of leaks. Updated finishes include Corian counter tops and porcelain tile on floors & walls.
• Integrated dresser and closet systems were installed in all rooms.
• New light fixtures were installed in all rooms, the kitchen, the dining room and the halls.
• The bedrooms and dining room were repainted.
• The main sewer line into Summit St., the back flow prevention valve, the sidewalk along Summit to 15th and the Entry sidewalk were all replaced.
• The parking lot retaining wall and the drainage lines around the House were all rebuilt.
The bottom line is your previous years’ donations have absolutely helped grow and sustain membership. And, the donations continue to rise. As a quick recap of the past four year: 2009 donations were
$7,395; 2010 donations were $7,938; and 2011 donations were $11,221.

The list of brothers who generously gave last year is listed below. Thank you for your support and the many kind notes.

Again, please consider giving to this effort now and into the future. Alpha Gamma has a rich history that we’ve all benefited from in many ways.

Please send your check to me, Matt Berry at 3901 Tarrington Lane, Columbus, Ohio 43220. Contributions are not tax deductible. Please make checks payable to Alpha Gamma of Sigma Chi, Inc.

Click here to donate via credit card –

In Hoc,

Matt Berry ‘93
House Manager ‘92

2011 Contributors
2011 Contributors
2010 Contributors

Thanks again!

Party at Chapter House!!!!!

Party at Chapter House!!!!!

260 E 15th Ave
7:00 PM 10/5/12
  • Full bar, with a bartender!
  • Fingerfoods, along with brats, hamburgers, etc.
  • Parking will be easy, park in the Chapter House lot.
  • Lots of storys about Sigma Chi

RSVP to if you will be attending.

We need to know how much food and beverages to order, so please hit “Reply” and let us know that you are planning on coming to the event. There will be Undergrad Brothers that will be assisting with parking if you need any assistance.

This will be a informal gathering with the Undergrads, do not miss this event!!  This will be a great time to see the Summer 2012 renovations.

RSVP to this email if you will be attending.

Summer 2012 Renovations

About the Summer 2012 renovations:

Thanks go out to Jim Smiley and James Howe for all the hard work on the major renovation project that was completed at 260 this past summer. In this email we will give you a quick run down and some photos.  We will be putting together a more comprehensive look and presentation at the Homecoming Event.

Over the course of 60 days, a devastating Derecho (which 260 survived) and one EXCESSIVE HEAT WAVE a very impressive, much needed upgrade was made to the Chapter House:

  • All original cast iron was removed from interior of house
  • All bathrooms were taken to studs and walls replace/rebuilt due to years of leaks. Updated finishes include corian counter tops and porcelain tile on floors & walls.
  • Built integrated dresser and closet system in all rooms.
  • All new light fixtures in rooms, kitchen, dining room and halls.
  • Painted all bedrooms and dining room.
  • Main sewer line into Summit St, back flow prevention valve, replaced sidewalk along Summit to 15th and entry sidewalk. Unexpected $28,000 !
  • Rebuilt the parking lot retaining wall and the drainage lines around the House, including the line under the volleyball court

Link to some great before and after shots


Needless to say, it was a busy summer at 260.  The total project cost is close to $150,000.  This could not have been completed without an extremely strong Undergraduate Chapter, who contributed over $10,000 to make this renovation a HUGE success.   Here is snapshot of the start of the amazing work.

New paint in basement
Summer2012 (45)

Summer2012 (54)

New marble and tile in Men’s rooms

Summer2012 (52)

2nd floor men’s room, ready for all new plumbing and new fixtures

Full gallery of all the renovations here

Links to video of the unexpected main sewer line upgrade
Another video of the situation here.

Homecoming 2012–CANCELLED



 Homecoming 2012–CANCELLED

Make Sigma Chi part of your Homecoming this fall!

When: Friday October 5, 2012

Where: Scioto Country Club 6:00-9:00 PM
2196 Riverside Drive, Columbus, OH 43221

Details: This will be a STAG event.  There will be a cash bar and light hors d’oeuvres.  The format will be a quick annual meeting, a presentation on the improvements at the Chapter House, followed by 50 year Sigs presentation.

If you cannot make the event, please join us immediately afterward at the Chapter house at 260 E 15th Ave to take a look at all the improvements.  The Undergraduate Brothers will be hosting an event for Alumni with adult beverages and finger foods.

Cost: $45 and must be paid by 9/21/12, please consider adding $25 extra to help sponsor an undergraduate member.

RSVP to Mark Dornfeld  at or via phone 614-654-4970.  Please send checks and make them payable to

“Alpha Gamma of Sigma Chi, Inc:
c/o Mark Dornfeld
13544 Church View Dr
Pickerington, OH 43147





Letter from the Undergraduate Chapter- Fall 2011

Here is a long overdue update of what is going on with the Undergraduate Chapter.

ALUMNI EVENT w Grand Consul Dennis R. Santoli – 260 E 15th Ave.

SAVE THE DATE!!!!! Friday February 3rd, 2012 7-10 PM
Please RSVP to Tribune, Anders Miller ’14 at

Chapter Adviser Jim Smiley and House Corporation President Dirk Greene will be stepping down from their positions at the end of this school year. We cannot thank them enough for the amazing effort these brothers have faithfully put into Alpha Gamma. We need alumni to step up and help fill these positions. Please get in touch with Dirk at 614-203-3266 or via email at


Homecoming 2011 Information



Print this info here


Make Sigma Chi part of your Homecoming this fall!

When: Friday October 28, 2011

Where: Scioto Country Club 6:00-9:30 PM – $65
2196 Riverside Drive, Columbus, OH 43221

Details: We will be honoring 50 year Sigs and celebrating brotherhood. A COED event for brothers of all ages

Contact: Nate Fisher 614-657-7998 or email:

Cost: $65 Single, $130 Couple and must be paid by 10/15/11, please consider adding $35 extra to help sponsor an undergraduate member.

Pay online HERE

RSVP and send checks and make them payable to

“Alpha Gamma of Sigma Chi Inc:
c/o Nate Fisher
1599 Roxbury Rd
Columbus, OH 43212

This event will be a co-ed event, so please plan on bringing your Sweetheart along. The format will be the same as last year, a cocktail hour, followed by a sit down dinner and awards.

This is a great time to schedule a pledge class reunion, contact Nate if you need current contact info for your pledge class

If you cannot make the event, we will be heading over to the Brother David Zadnik’s restaurant, Carsonie’s at Lane Avenue immediately following the event.

2011 Annual Giving Campaign

Alpha Gamma of Sigma Chi

2011 Annual Giving Campaign


I’m reaching out to you in hopes you will again support House Corporation’s 2011 Annual Giving campaign. As with last year’s effort, the purpose of this campaign is to grow and sustain Alpha Gamma’s membership through a better physical house.

The belief is that a better house and a better living experience will be much more appealing to active and potential brothers and consequently:

• Membership will grow;
• Membership will be more easily sustained; and
• It will allow House Corporation to drive higher rents.

Other chapters, namely the Betas, raise $30,000 per year every year.

The goal for ’11 is to raise $12,000. If 120 brothers donate $100 per year, we’ll be able to reach our goal. In ’09, we raised $7,395 and in 2010 we raised $7,938. Last year’s contributions were used to:

• Restore and duplicate original Caniff artwork. The originals are now on loan and being displayed at the new Union.
• Replace several areas of flooring throughout the house.
• Resurface important kitchen walls.

Bottom line is those generous dollars bettered the house and made it more competitive.

The list of brothers who generously gave are listed below. Thank you for your support and the many kind notes and memories many brothers, wives and widows shared with me. Gene Yates, Alpha Gamma 1944, sent an original Milton Caniff to the house he said he found at the house when he was moving out. It was in great condition and was added to the house’s collection. Madelon Wright generously donated and wrote me a note about her husband, Jack Wright, Alpha Gamma 1940. In her note, she wrote, “In loving memory of my husband Jack Wright 1918 to 2002. A life loyal Sig and Alpha Gamma Consul in 1939-1940. May you all be loyal gentlemen with integrity as he was.” Thank you Gene and Madelon and thank you again to everyone below.

Again, please consider giving to this effort now and into the future. Alpha Gamma has a rich history that we’ve all benefited from in many ways.

Please make checks payable to Alpha Gamma of Sigma Chi, Inc.

Please send your check to me,
Matt Berry
3901 Tarrington Lane
Columbus, Ohio 43220

Contributions are not tax deductible.

In Hoc Signo Vinces,

Matt Berry ‘93
House Manager ‘92

Thanks to the 2010 contributors!

Make your gift online here:


Insert code from PNC HERE.


Return Refund Policy:  in the event of an error in your order, we will process your return or refund within 10 business days.


Alumni Advisory Board

September 30, 2011

Brothers of Sigma Chi,

I am writing this letter on behalf of the undergraduate brothers at Gamma (OWU), Mu (Denison), and Alpha Gamma (OSU). These three central Ohio chapters have a history of success on their campuses and are noted for being leaders of the campus and especially the Greek community. As you know the goal of Sigma Chi is to be “the pre-eminent leadership development fraternity in the Greek world, living and practicing our values of friendship, justice and learning.

However, to maintain that goal and continue the positive direction of these chapters, we need your help!! In an effort to develop our future leaders and further the training of BLTW, the fraternity has initiated the creation of Alumni Advisory Boards for each chapter. We have undergrads that need your assistance, guidance and leadership experience. There are over 1300 Sigma Chi alums in Central Ohio that we need to reach that could benefit these chapters.

This is an appeal to the alums in Central Ohio, regardless of home chapter, to assist these three chapters. Ben Harris has been recently appointed Assistant Grand Praetor for Southern Ohio and desperately needs your help. We are seeking 5-7 alums for each chapter who are willing to provide about 5 hours a quarter to guide and mentor a chapter officer.

Anyone interested in more information or becoming involved with a house corporation are asked to contact the chapter advisor directly or Ben Harris. Enclosed are the contact numbers for the respective chapters.

Now is the time to give back and take the lead for the future of these chapters and our fraternity. We have a 156 year tradition of leadership development. Your time will be well spent and richly rewarded.

In Hoc,

Rich Hronek

Grand Trustee-Ohio


CC. Ben Harris, AGP, (310) 766-5494

Dan Sharpe, CA, OWU, (614) 619-2590

Jim Smiley, CA, OSU, (614) 889-0978

Ryan Temby, CA, Denison, (614) 787-7988

Scott Hettescheimer, GP, (513) 720-4400