Thanks to the Undergraduate Brothers for putting together this newsletter for the Alumni. Please take a minute to read this.
Click on the link here:
Thanks to the Undergraduate Brothers for putting together this newsletter for the Alumni. Please take a minute to read this.
Click on the link here:
Make Sigma Chi part of your Homecoming this fall! Print info here
When: Friday October 22, 2010
Where: Scioto Country Club 6:00-9:30 PM – $65
2196 Riverside Drive, Columbus, OH 43221
Details: We will be honoring 50 year Sigs and celebrating brotherhood. A COED event for brothers of all ages
Contact: Nate Fisher 614-657-7998 or email:
Cost: $65 Single, $130 Couple and must be paid by 10/15/09, please consider adding $35 extra to help sponsor an undergraduate member.
RSVP and send checks and make them payable to
“Alpha Gamma of Sigma Chi Inc:
C/0 Nate Fisher
434 Clinton Heights Ave
Columbus, OH 43202
View pictures from Homecoming 2009
This event will be a co-ed event, so please plan on bringing your Sweetheart along. The format will be the same as last year, a cocktail hour, followed by a sit down dinner and awards.
This is a great time to schedule a pledge class reunion, contact Nate if you need current contact info for your pledge class
If you cannot make the event, we will be heading over to the Rusty Bucket at Lane Avenue immediately following the event.
Dear Alpha Gamma Alumni Brother {FIRST_NAME},
I hope this long overdue update finds you all well!
House Corporation would like to give you a quick “what’s happening” with the Chapter and itself.
* During the 2009-2010 school year the Chapter initiated 40 highly qualified young men pushing membership above 80 for the first time in many years.
* The Chapter will be delivering its first serious application for a Peterson Award since the early 1990’s.
* House Corporation continues its aggressive pay down of debt. Barring unforeseen repair/maintenance issues we anticipate reducing debt by some $40,000.00 during our upcoming fiscal year. Our goal is to be debt free by October, 2013.
* With the help of Jim Smiley (Chapter Advisor) and Tim Michael (Recruitment Advisor) we have initiated a mentoring program pairing the Chapter’s Executive Officers with distinguished alumni who wish to be involved with young brothers at a “one on one” level.
* House Corporation was able to budget for the purchase of a full compliment of tables and chairs for the Chapter. Consequently, they have brought back formal Monday night dinner, and were able to host their first Derby Darling Dinner in almost a decade.
* Our “Annual Giving Campaign” that started fall of 2009 raised almost $7,500.00 to tackle maintenance issues and summer projects on our beloved 55 year old chapter house. Matt Berry has graciously volunteered to organize and take the Annual Giving Campaign to the next level. Our goal is to raise $20,000.00 this school year.
House Corporation is constantly in need of additional volunteers so please consider getting involved with your Alpha Gamma Chapter that has continuously operated at OSU for the past 128 years.
Mark your callWe also encourage you to attend the 2010 Homecoming Dinner being held at either the Scioto Country Club or the new Student Union on Friday, October 22nd. Please take this opportunity to learn first hand what is going on and capitalize on sharing your experiences with our young brothers.
In Hoc!
Dirk Greene
Alpha Gamma of Sigma Chi, Inc.
Save the date~!! click here to add to your calender
What: Alumni/Undergrad Happy Hour
Where: BW3 on 5th Ave- Grandview
When: Jan 12th 5:30-8 pm – Basketball Bucks play at Purdue 7pm.
Cost: whatever you want to spend that night.
Come join the Undergrads/Alumni/Rushees for a few hours of re-connecting with brothers old and new. We can cheer on the Bucks together. What else would you be doing on a cold wintery night in Columbus Ohio?
RSVP to Nate Fisher or call 614-657-7998
Here is a map, parking in the back
Monday, January 4th – Cigar & Brandy Hour at Sigma Chi House at 9PM
Dress: Blazer or Sport Coat
Meet prospective recruits & active members of Alpha Gamma
Monday, January 11th – Greg Harbaugh – President of Sigma Chi Foundation, Astronaut
Thomspon Library, 7PM, Campus Reading Room (11th Floor)
Meet prospective recruits, active members, and enjoy presentation
Tuesday, January 12th – Alumni Event at BW3 on 5th Ave (Grandview) at 5:30- 8PM
Show alumni support to prospective recruits, watch OSU basketball
Taif Mukhdomi
Head Recruitment Chairman
The Sigma Chi Fraternity at The Ohio State University
The Alpha Gamma Chapter of Sigma Chi Presents: Greg Harbaugh, President of The Sigma Chi Foundation.
Brother Harbaugh will be speaking to Alumni, Undergraduates and Rushees about his life as a NASA Astronaut and the influence of Sigma Chi in his life.
The Foundation president and CEO, Gregory J. Harbaugh, is the Foundation’s executive officer based at the Peterson International Headquarters in Evanston, Ill. Graduating from Purdue with a BS in Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering, he then received his Masters from the University of Houston where he soon became a NASA Astronaut. Greg Harbaugh has received many prestigious awards namely The Significant Sig Award. We are happy to have him for our Winter Rush Week.
The Sigma Chi Foundation is a charitable and educational tax-exempt organization, separate and independent from the Fraternity, whose express purpose is to serve as an educational funding resource for the undergraduate and graduate student members of the Sigma Chi Fraternity. Through leadership initiatives such as Horizons, the Balfour Leadership Training Workshop, the Balfour Fellowship and the Cornerstone Mentor Program, the Sigma Chi Foundation is preparing our young men to be the value-centered leaders to guide us in the 21st century.
Where: Ohio State University: Thompson Library, 1858 Neil Avenue Mall, 11th Floor – Campus Reading Room
Parking Available at Neil Avenue Garage – Across the street from Library
When: Monday, January 11th 2010 at 7PM
Taif Mukhdomi
Head Recruitment Chairman
The Sigma Chi Fraternity at The Ohio State University
Sigma Chi Career Network on – Jobs for Sigs is the Fraternity’s membership network site where Sigs can stay connected and update their contact information.
One of the new features is the Sigma Chi Career Network where Sigs can post and search jobs. These jobs can only be searched and viewed by Sigs on In addition to this feature, resumes can be uploaded to individual’s profiles. Those resumes are searchable which can help sigs find brothers looking for work that are qualified.
I encourage all of you to check it out and begin taking advantage of this new resource. If you have a job that you are posting on LinkedIn, please post on on
Follow this link to to check it out:
In case you have not heard, Brother Michael Riebel passed away suddenly at his home last week. We are still awaiting the details and will pass them along as they become available to us.
We will be honoring Michael Riebel with a White Rose Ceremony this Thursday at 7:30. At the request of the family, we will be singing Sweetheart to his young daughter, Hope. Please come out and join us and pay tribute to Brother Riebel and support for his family and his father, David, who is a an Alpha Gamma Sig 1959.
All honor to his name.
Please RSVP to my email: or call/txt 614-657-7998, so I know how many white roses to pick up. Add this event to your Calender, click here
Please take a minute and sign the online guest book here:
Michael W. Riebel, 42, of Worthington, passed away Thursday, December 3, 2009 at his home. Viewing will be 12/10 at 7:30 pm at RUTHERFORD-CORBIN FUNERAL HOME, 515 High St., Worthington, OH 43085. Full obituary to run at a later date.
Read all the info here:
Take a minute and make sure you check it out and update your info.
The new site is here at it will focus on connecting brothers and networking.
Also, if you are using Facebook to stay in touch and re–connect with other brothers, which most brothers are then just click here and use the new Sigma Chi Facebook Application This application will snyc your infomation with HQ. Web 2.0 is great, makes this very easy.